There's no escape from ageing. It comes to us all eventually. But just because we are getting older, there's no reason to give up on our dreams or aspirations. For example:
These are just a few I've come up with but there are many, many more people out there who lead full, interesting and productive lives and totally embrace ageing. Please feel free to add your own stories in the comments section below. I will shortly be launching a series of Embracing Ageing workshops and on-line events where we will explore diet and exercise, mental health, relationships, work, retirement, being single, money matters, coping with bereavement and more. In the meantime, why not join my free on-line group where you can meet like-minded people for mutual support and conversation so we can start looking forward to our later years instead of dreading them? If you wish, you can message me privately via my contact page - promise not to sell or pass on your details to anyone else. Here's to Embracing Ageing! Tina .
May 2023
AuthorI'm Krystina (Tina) Spicer, NLP Practitioner, Life Coach, Stress Management and Resilience Trainer and Hypnotherapist and want to use my skills to help other people deal with the challenges of ageing and live full, productive and happier lives. Archives
May 2023